Monday, August 25, 2014

"Inside Job"

How did the message conveyed by the film make you feel? Were you angry at all? If so, why?

While corporate greed is nothing short of new in American culture, it certainly does not abstain me from feeling not only enraged but completely cheated. As a youthful adolescent, surely one may think how something that I most likely have no background knowledge of can make me bitter and hostile, and possibly even claim it is a proponent of my personal jealousy, but that is far from the truth. The fact of the matter is that corporate greed is nothing short of new and it has become so common that the criminals behind it are capable of even doing it before our very own faces, and we could do nothing but whine, complaint, and mope over the situation while they stand behind their gilded Pretorian guards. The standard of paper currency is merely a capitalistic ideal that pertains to the American understanding of economy (a matter that which is becoming global as the economic standard), so it seems that those who have the most of it our the ones who have a great deal of leverage in all matters of power (a fact that was discussed and proven using CDOs). And to add injury to insult, people must suffer in order for them to achieve their financial successes, a true reflection of selfish animosity that underlies the fueling principles of corporate greed, the true wolves of Wall Street.

What does the term "inside job" mean, generally speaking? Do you think it accurately applies to the state of affairs in the movie?

The term inside job pertains simply to just that: a job done on the inside. Most of the principles of CDOs, regulations, and other economic vocab words are more inclined to the financial community, which is where a great deal of shady business takes place. Not only that, but most of these crimes are committed through loosely justified bills and acts such as merging and bailing, a definite sign of social networking and dealing that is otherwise absent from the public domain. However, as privatized as these deals may be, they do manage to leak out into the public sphere and still these crooks manage to get away with their heinous crimes based on constitutional rights that never pertained to the concept of a corporation until the early twentieth century, let alone are they unable to efficiently hide their lies with inadequate acting.

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